Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kitchen Cabinet Makeover

So this month I decided to tackle our kitchen cabinets.  We have 70's style cabinets in our house and while someday we'd love to replace them with custom wood cabinets, we just didn't want to spend the money at this point.  So I went to Lowe's and purchased over 200 feet of molding, primer, paint, nail gun nails, and new hardware.  Scott gave me a quick lesson on using the chop saw and you can see the "final" results below.  Unfortunately, it took me about 4 coats of paint before I found a color scheme I liked (don't worry, I had to redo the entire thing only once, while the middle 2 attempts were only on 1 door).  And I still have lots of work to do on them, so not sure if I can officially count this one for March :).  Still have to apply a Polycrylic coat over everything, rehang the doors that were/are on there crooked, plus paint the interiors, and attach a few more knobs in some problem areas.

And then someday there'll be Part 2 - the countertop....

Original cupboards - left
New look - left
Original cupboards - right
New look - right


  1. Wow! Look at everything you got done this month! What did Scott think?

  2. You can count it whenever you want...that was a HUGE project...Way to go!

  3. That looks amazing...looks likeyou put incompletely new cabinets! I bet Scott was impressed!
